On Rank of Semigroup of Order-Preserving Order-Decreasing Partial Contraction Mappings on a Finite Chain

  • B. Ali Department of Mathematical Sciences, Nigerian Defence Academy, P.M.B 2109 Kaduna, Nigeria.
  • M. A. Jada Department of Mathematics, Sule Lamido University Kafin Hausa, P.M.B 048 Kafin Hausa, Nigeria.
  • M. M. Zubairu Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bayero University Kano, P.M.B 3011 Kano, Nigeria.
Keywords: Transformation semigroup, Contraction mappings, Order-preserving, Generating sets, Ideals


Let [n] = {1, 2, . . . , n} be a finite chain, and ODCPn be the semigroup of order-preserving and order-decreasing partial contraction mappings on [n]. In this paper, we study the rank properties of the two-sided ideals of ODCPn. We show that the rank of Kp = ∈ ODCPn : |im α| ≤ p}, for 2 ≤ p ≤ n, is and hence, the rank of ODCPn is 2n


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How to Cite
Ali , B., Jada , M. A., & Zubairu , M. M. (2024). On Rank of Semigroup of Order-Preserving Order-Decreasing Partial Contraction Mappings on a Finite Chain. International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization: Theory and Applications, 10(4), 1 - 11. Retrieved from http://ijmso.unilag.edu.ng/article/view/2384